Advocacy / Strategic Issues /



Addressing the cybersecurity posture of Canadian business through supportive public policy and industry standards and tools.

Our Position

The digitization of business has presented new challenges to protecting consumer data, trade secrets and operational infrastructure from intrusion. These challenges have obligated a new approach to risk management. Digitization has also opened the door to new opportunities to innovate. We advocate for a multilateral approach to regulatory measures, incentives for cyber hygiene and cyber innovation and encourage information sharing between business and government.

Cybersecurity Risks, Issues & Trends

Three of Canada’s leading cybersecurity organizations, CIRA, Canadian Centre for Cybersecurity and Field Effect joined us to discuss the cybersecurity risks, issues and trends affecting Canadian business as well as provide recommendations for improving your cybersecurity.

Why Cloud Solutions & Cybersecurity Don’t Have to Be Daunting

We tap into cloud solutions and cybersecurity every day. Storing photos online uses cloud services. Updating passwords is practising cyber-secure behaviour. So why is it that, in business, we become wary to adopt new technology? Ulrike Bahr-Gedalia, our Senior Director of Digital Economy, Technology and Innovation explores this issue.

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This brings us to the fundamental shift: moving from “Is the cloud secure?” to “Am I using the cloud securely?”

How Should Your Cybersecurity Change?

What precautions do you need to take to protect you and your organization from an increase in cyber threats during this unprecedented time? We were joined by Field Effect for a discussion on how to keep your organization safe from online threats throughout this pandemic and beyond.

Maintaining Business Continuity through COVID-19 & Beyond

Rogers joined us to discuss business continuity through COVID-19 and beyond, including how to equip your employees to work from home, how to keep providing the same level of service to your customers and how to access and protect your business data from anywhere.

Policy Committees

An important complement to our Policy team, many significant policy public positions originate from our committees and working groups